Developing Nebraska's Natural Resources...
Protecting Lives,
Protecting Property,
Protecting the Future

The Lower Republican Natural Resources District is one of 23 NRDs formed by the Nebraska Unicameral in 1972. This legislative action consolidated 154 government entities into 23, providing an umbrella approach to local soil and water management across the state.

The Lower Republican NRD encompasses Furnas, Harlan, and Franklin counties, as well as the southern three-quarters of Webster County and the southwestern third of Nuckolls County—approximately 1.5 million acres in all. The entire district lies within the lower reaches of the Republican River watershed.

Funded primarily by a portion of property tax assessment, the LRNRD also receives federal cost-sharing, state grants, and special assessments. Nearly 50% of the total budget goes to erosion control, 15% to recreation and wildlife, 10% to flood control, 10% to water quality, 5% to water supply, 5% to general administration and 5% to information and education.