General Manager
Siel began with the LRNRD in August of 2017. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science with a Minor in Biology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Growing up on the family farm near Franklin and operating a construction business for 25 years Siel has experience with many of the concerns within the Republican river basin. He has been involved in agricultural land development and improvement, including erosion control measures and drainage structures as well as weed control and many other projects.
Assistant General Manager
Simonson started with LRNRD in May of 2021. He grew up on a ranch in the Sandhills of Nebraska and graduated from Mullen High School. He graduated from Chadron State with a degree in Range Management.
Simonson has experience with the USDA-NRCS and working as a land manager at an oil and gas exploration company. Moving to the Republican River Basin in 2004, Simonson has had experience with the changes and challenges that have faced the local producers during this period.
Administrative Assistant
Shirlee is responsible for office management, general administration, coordination of meeting times, bookkeeping, accounting, billing and payroll; she is also the recording secretary for the LRNRD Board of Directors. Shirlee has been with the LRNRD since August of 1992.
Water Resources Administrator
Kristi, who has been with the LRNRD since 1992, is in charge of data regarding wells, water usage and meters in the Lower Republican NRD.
I & E Coordinator / Water Resources Secretary / Rural Water Secretary
Mary assists the Water Resources Administrator with data regarding wells, meters, and usage. The cost-share programs including NSWCP and the LRNRD Tree Program are administered by her and she is the rural water secretary. She creates informational material and administers the LRNRD Scholarship Program, NeRAIN, and educational activities. Mary has been employed by the NRD since November of 2015.
Water Resources Technician
PJ's duties include reading, verifying accuracy of and maintaining water meters, inspection of chemigation sites, taking water samples and static water level measurements, and general maintenance and upkeep of various LRNRD projects. PJ has been with the LRNRD since June 2021.
Water Resources Technician
Dave’s duties include measuring groundwater levels each spring and fall, taking water samples, meter maintenance and reading, chemigation checks and various other duties; he has been with the NRD since April 2019.
Water Resources Technician
Travis's duties include measuring groundwater levels each spring and fall, taking water samples, meter maintenance and reading, chemigation checks and various other duties. He has been employed with the NRD since May 2022.
Franklin County Field Office
Phone: 308.425.6276 ext:3
Deb Klingenberger began work with the LRNRD in October 2019, she provides secretarial support for the LRNRD & NRCS in the Franklin County office, located in Franklin.
Furnas County Field Office Secretary
Phone: 308.268.2215 ext:3
Jennifer Helms began work with the LRNRD in June of 2016; she provides secretarial support for the LRNRD & NRCS in the Furnas County office, located in Beaver City.
Harlan County Field Office Secretary
Phone: 308.928.2626 ext:3
Brittnay began working for the LRNRD in September of 2015; she provides secretarial support for the LRNRD & NRCS in the Harlan County office, located in Alma.
Webster County Field Office Secretary
Phone: 402-746-2268 ext 3
Lynetta has been providing secretarial support for the LRNRD & NRCS in the Webster County office, located in Red Cloud, since February of 2002.