The Lower Republican Natural Resources District adopted the Republican River-Basin Wide Plan on March 1, 2019. Please click on the file below to review the Full Basin Wide Plan.
*Please note that beginning in 2018, both the Owner and Operator are required to sign.
pdf Pooling Arrangements & Agreement Rules 6-2 Effective 1-1-2023 Pooling Form
Chemigation Rules and Regulations have been incorporated into the Lower Republican NRD Rules and Regulations below.
Click this video to observe a chemigation inspection conducted by the LRNRD. Chemigation Operation and Inspection (LRNRD) on Vimeo
Watch this video that related to the agri-chemical pump and a potential failure from systems being operated remotely. Chemigation Agrichemical Pump Shutoff (LRNRD) on Vimeo
Project pdf Fact Sheet
DRAFT of pdf Platte-Republican Diversion Project Feasibility Review
CNPPID Approves Diversion Project with NRDs
NET Story "Proposal Would Divert Platte River Water to the Republican River"
NET Story "Platte-Republican Diversion Proposal Makes Waves In Nebraska"
NCORPE Website pdf NCORPE Factsheet
Check out this awesome, informative video about the augmentation project south of North Platte
Supreme Court Ruling:
Kansas Nebraska Ruling 2-24-2015
Click on the link below to go to the DNR website to look up wells. At the bottom of the page you can access On-line Options and Information which has forms you may need to change ownership, making a well inactive, modification, etc.
Option 1
Click on the link with the compatible excel for your computer and enable editing on the bar at the top. Choose meter type, type in Field Name and click on Make Field. At the bottom of the screen is a tab with the Field Name you just entered. Click on that and it will take you into the calculator sheet.
spreadsheet Calculator for Excel 2003 default Calculator for Excel 2010
Option 2
A link to UNL's Irrigation Meter Calculator:
Option 3
If you prefer a paper method, you can use this pdf Printable Formula .