Developing Nebraska's Natural Resources...
Protecting Lives,
Protecting Property,
Protecting the Future


The Lower Republican Natural Resources District has established a scholarship program for graduating high school seniors and first, second, and third year college students. There are up to three scholarships available amounting to $1,000 each. To be eligible for a scolarship, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • the applicant must have a permanent residence in the Lower Republican NRD.
  • the applicant must be planning on furthering their education in a natural resources or agriculture related field.
  • the applicant must be a first, second or third year college student that is registered full-time.
  • Scholarship recipients may attend the college of their choice, but priority will be given to those attending a Nebraska college or university.
  • The scholarship may be received for a maximum of 2 years.
  • the applicant must submit a compleated application to the Lower Republican NRD by April 1.
  • application may be emailed (preferred) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 2025 LRNRD Scholarship Application and Guidelines


ACE (Adventure Camp about the Environment) SCHOLARSHIPS 

Environmental camp for 6th and 7th graders. 

ACE Camp will be held at Kamp Kaleo in Burwell in 2024. Camp dates are June 23-26, 2024. 

pdf ACE Poster              pdf ACE Brochure

The Lower Republican NRD offers 2 scholarships for $235. If you are interested, registration forms need to be postmarked no later than May 17th. Or they may be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Lower Republican NRD scholarships are filled. If you are interested in a scholarship, contact the NRD for help to find another sponser.

Check out the Facebook page at Adventure Camp about the Environment (ACE Camp).


NE Youth Range Camp for 14-18 year-olds

pdf 2024YouthRangeCampBrochure            pdf LRNRD NE YOUTH RANGE CAMP GRANT APPLICATION

 Check out the Facebook page at Nebraska Youth Range Camp.